Sunday, May 8, 2011

You're a Wizard, Harry

He sat there frozen in his chair, a look of pained expression plastered on his face. The words were unmistakeably ones of awe that escaped his lips, yet were barely audible. "I- I'm a what?" "You're a wizard, Harry." "You can't be serious." I spoke as if I were calmly explaining something of trivial importance to a child. "No, it's quite simple. You're ... quite frankly, one of a kind. This kind I'm referring to, is one that has been persecuted for several centuries in the earthen realm, yet has still managed to retain its tradition, culture, beliefs, and values whilst living in oppression amongst your people, through the most arduous of means available." He had been silent for a while now, contemplating what these words meant. He knew their meaning, but couldn't make sense of what they were supposed to spell out.

For a moment, it seemed though as if he were reaching an epiphany and was short of blurting out a cry of affirmation. Instead, he simply shook his head with a conviction. "No," he said. "I don't believe you." "I understand. There's no hurry. In fact, nothing in my mind that I intend to say is weighed with such urgency that I take priority to disseminate my thoughts in as quickly and effectively a manner as the time given would allow me." "What's the idea behind telling me, then? I'm going through a crisis at home already, what with Uncle Vernon and my idiot stepbrother Dudsley." "Nah, I just felt like fucking around with you. You're not a wizard, Harry. And I'm not Albus Dumbledore, either." "Ye scurvy sea urchin! Who be this Harry ye speak of? I be the fearsome Blackbeard of the Seven Seas!" "...I suppose this is the crisis you were referring to."



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