- Fiscal conservatism is bad economics. Functioning economies are built on credit, or if you prefer, the promise of repaying a debt. If we could only spend what we had to spend, the economy would implode. Rather, one should only take out credit if he's capable of repaying.
- The below comic details a failed use of a valid logical inference called "denying the consequent".
Let's suppose that Illinois does have a high gun violence rate and that criminals do illegally import guns from states with lax gun control laws. The argument above wouldn't even be valid. The gun violence rate for Illinois isn't dependent on the gun violence rate of other states. It's dependent on internal factors. The Sinaloa region in Mexico has a higher average gun violence rate than Illinois. The majority of guns used to commit violent crime in Mexico are legally imported from the United States. That doesn't mean the violence in Mexico does not happen because the gun violence rate in Illinois is lower compared to Sinaloa. It's a stupid pro-firearm argument, and it's a complete non-sequitur.
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